About posting payroll

You can enter timecards, compute payroll, and even print payroll checks without posting the payroll records. When you are ready, you can post individual payroll records or all payroll records for a specified pay period.

When you post payroll, Sage 100 Contractor:

  • Debits gross payroll:

    Job costs post to the direct expense account. If you have selected the Post Payroll to WIP checkbox in the job record, payroll posts to a WIP account. If the WIP account uses subsidiary accounts, payroll posts to a subsidiary account that uses the job number as the account number.

    Equipment repair or maintenance costs post to the equipment/shop account.

    All remaining costs post to the overhead or administrative account, which is determined by the employee position.

  • Debits payroll expenses to the ledger accounts as indicated in the payroll calculation.
  • Credits net payroll to the checking account entered in the Payroll Posting window.
  • Credits the ledger accounts as indicated in the payroll calculation.

Tip: You can receive a warning when you try post payroll to a period that does not match the check date or when the end date of the pay period falls outside the posting period. If you want to receive a warning, select the Verify Check Date Is within Posting Periodoption or the Verify Pay Period Ending Date Is within Posting Period option in the 5-2-6 Post Payroll to GL window. You can choose whether to post the payroll record if you receive this message.

If you do not specify which records or pay periods to post, Sage 100 Contractor posts all payroll records assigned 2-Computed or 4-Reverse. After posting is complete, Sage 100 Contractor changes records with status 2-Computed to status 3-Posted, and records with status 4-Reverse to status 5-Void.